Wednesday 3 July 2013



Is a false disposition,
An unwilling departure.
Low on momentum,
Least possible,
The term, this term ‘forever’…

It’s a myth,
Or hallucination,
A mind game to win,
Or take away,
It’s a tale of deceit,
A lie often told..

Forever is never ever,
Its limited,
Or limiting..
It ends, with the moment,
With people,
With time.

Fate restricts it,
Chance bullies it,
Time decides its limit,
Destiny the phase,
We the face.


Monday 1 July 2013

The Cactus Plant

The Cactus Plant

When I think,
What it symbolizes,
I understand,
It’s too realistic,
like My existence..

Yes, a cactus plant,
Better than its flowering counter-parts..
Flowers show hope,
Who needs it, who wants it,
Flowers are deceptive,
Perceptive, Temporary..
They show an untimely progression
Of life to death..
They die soon, sooner than wanted,

I like cactus, its so magical
Original, real..
Its strong,
I like it, for it re-inforces,
My eternal want...
Of Permanence....
