Sunday 17 October 2021



You tend to forget,
their names,
their faces,
how they made you feel.
Slowly you forget,
small things that meant everything,
Those words which touched your heart,
every gesture that brought smiles.
You move on,
from those memories,
where faces become silhouettes,
where feelings remain hidden,
deep under, buried within...
I guess you pass days,
thinking time heals,
but basically, its pain thats permanent,
the scars left are real!
the rupture, the crisis, the ambush,
the slow breaking open of your heart,
that ripping feeling,
that sharp knife cutting you through,
your soul within, is your reality!
Each day you pass on,
how much longer will you last,
with a broken heart!


Monday 26 July 2021

Hanging by the thread


Hanging by the thread

Been days, months, 

haven’t heard even a remnant,

any shred of some good news..

I am trying to hold on,
Putting up a smile,
grinding my teeth beneath,
this farce projection..
this lie...

The veil will fall,
revealing grief..
My brittle heart is breaking...
Fate has been unkind lately,
Seems like,
Life is hanging by its last thread!

- Tanzila

Friday 11 September 2020

Bird on my window sill

Bird on my window sill

Like a deadbird
on my window sill
that choked to death
after eating the poisonous
That shrub felt like hope,
oozing with pure poison,
Little did the bird know,
it would be its last,
and quest!
I saw it,
trying to devour,
the shrub,
maybe thinking to itself,
what a treat it had found,
how lucky,
how blessed it must have felt!
Aren't we all like this bird?
Taking toxins bit by bit,
slowly dying our death!
Aren't we sitting on our window sills,
looking at the world,
while we devour our life,
and not realize,
any bite could become,
our last!!

Friday 3 July 2020

Drowning in Still Waters

Drowning in Still Waters

Is pain real? 
How intensely do you feel it? 
There is pain in everything.
This longing for contact,
the hope to be noticed,
the desire to be heard,
the reason to escape,
the lies, 
you have woven around yourself,
to believe, 
You are normal, 
Perfect, content and gay.

Is the sorrow wanted? 
Every time you share,
You rub the surface first,
Then you scratch deeper,
And you realize,
the scars are raw,
Ripe, unhealed,
Fresh, and recent! 

Is the suffering required?
A chance to dwell in self-pity,
Or celebrate a memory,
Which is nothing 
but abusive,
And unwarranted.
Why then,
You are still weak,
Swimming against the tide,
Slowly drowning in still waters.
Why then is it hard,
Why does it still exasperate you,
Why this remorse, 
Refusal and acceptance?
Is truth so bitter? 


Monday 6 April 2020

Heavy Heart

Heavy Heart

This screeching noise,
was that a tyre,
of your car,
did you again do it?
run over my heavy heart?

People came to see me,
picked up the pieces,
the rags, 
the broken bones,
while you assembled 
the car's bonnet!

Did you notice me?
Did you see me collapse?
Did you hear me cry?
Did you watch my last grasp?
Did you even care
or you care no more.....?!!!


Tuesday 9 July 2019



I stumbled across you,
it was CHANCE!

I extended my hand,
it was FAITH!

You held that hand,

I rested on your shoulder,
it was PEACE!

You stroke my head,
it was CARE!

I cried,
it was COMFORT!

You wiped my tears,
it was COURAGE!

I leaned some more,
it was TRUST!

You held me high,
it was LOVE!

We stand together,
it is FATE!


Friday 8 March 2019

Unguarded Souls

its the callin of a new dawn......
the moment of relief.....
in an intimacy with the interface to this paradise....
and the next......
these unguarded souls....
remain untamed....
their dainted faces...
deeper sorrows...
for now n ever.....................
