Tuesday, 28 February 2017


Ever wondered what is it like
to be a blank canvas
to be unholy
to be unworthy
to be unwanted
and unexplored..

Ever wondered what is it like
to be at mercy,
of an artist
who is unwilling
to paint you around
to be his reason
of a creative dead-end.

Ever wondered what is it like
to be a writer's unfinished poem
to be the source of his chaos
his lack of inspiration
 lack of will
or even the power to 
uphold his expression...

Ever wondered what is it like
to be at the corner
of a centre stage
a big wide arena of conflict
where you are at the edge
of your sanity?!

Ever wondered what is it like
lose yourself
in an unexpected dilemma,
to give in a fight that was never yours,
to lose to someone you loved the most,
to fight prejudice and still get slaughtered

Ever wondered what is it like,
to actually sacrifice your only hope
for the hopes and expectations
of people who actually
inflicted so much pain,
that your heart would pop out
crying for solace.

Ever wondered what is it like
to be so helpless 
in every situation,
and still be open,
welcoming to this artist,
who wants to paint things,
and follow his heart;
while you lay there,
moved/ unmoved
by the series of episodes
by the stories and lies
by the insensitive claims
by the accusing minds....

Ever wondered what is it like
to be a person who is dead inside,
tattered by the social norms
battered by your indifference.............


Sunday, 26 February 2017

Sometimes the sun is too bright for the eyes that are used to darkness!

Thursday, 23 February 2017



When every part of the body
screams for help,
when your soul is wronged,
your conscience dies,
your body screams,
screams for survival..

it screams out of the grave,
it wants to be saved
out of this hell!

Souls with diminishing faith,
Hearts with aching pain,
Mind with restless humour,
Chest with no oxygen,
Bones with no strength,
Eyes with an ever increasing,
able to witness your constant betrayal,
able to foresee this dying human.

I scream, please save me,
I plead, please save me,
I cry, please save me,
I wish, you could save me!!


Saturday, 18 February 2017

My Precious

My Precious
I need strength,
to forgive
I need courage,
to accept the pain..
I need to involve
self in sacrifice
a compromise,
many lies.
I need immense maturity
to move on
I need that extra bit of poise
to stand up again..
I need to speak,
scream, express...
my desires, my worries
and this suffering..its process..
I need to reach out
for help, for a hand
for a shoulder,
Strong enough.
I need to believe,
in my decisions,
of giving up,
going ahead,
without a sense of guilt,
I carry in my mind..
I need to aspire
to become a happier version
of myself,
A gentler soul..
I need to learn
to let go of something
that never belonged to me!
I need to free myself
of this clinging hold,
I deserve a hand,
that walks with me,
I deserve someone who
respects me..
And can value that respect!!
And so do you...!!
Make your diligent choice girl,
You mean a lot
Your happiness is paramount,
Your soul is beautiful,
You are My Precious!!