Wednesday, 19 February 2014

My Journey to Nothingness

My Journey to Nothingness

This unwanted disappearance,
Of appearance,
Neglect of self, soul and time,
Emotionless emotions and fate,
Taking you for a ride.
Each day a struggle ends
And what continues is need
To struggle more, to go ahead,
In this race of madness,
For power and peace.

This is all I am left with,
A hollow cube inside my heart,
Space deprived of ‘requirement’,
Your sense of no want.
Every morning I raise, I rise,
With this emotional stress
An understanding of delusional love,
Even then, I extend my hand
To hold what is not mine..

I wake up to sadness
I sleep with despair,
So restless,
Incomplete I am,
with my journey.
A journey with no destination,
That leads to,
desolation and pain,

It leads me to
Its my Journey to Nothingness..!!
