Saturday, 10 November 2012



I want to escape this noise,
this scene of chaos,
this rumbled union,
of souls, people, life

I want to escape this existence,
of being self compromised,
on freedom of expression,
on virtue of thought.

I want to escape this story,
every character that laughs,
the only one that cries,
this plot that lacks romance.

I escaped this world,
the sense of belongingness,
the serenity of mild control,
the value of passion.

I escaped nature,
the sun, the moon and their stars,
to recover and renew,
to revive a dead soul, so dead indeed....!!!

Saturday, 13 October 2012


I feel, am orphaned...
orphaned before time...
before age....
before I could grow enough 
to take care of myself....

I am orphaned by distance,  
to misery, 
to memories which never subside.

I am orphaned by silence..
to lawless collisions with fate,

to be in absolute solitude, 
to seek my answers alone, 
and never see the new dawn...

I am orphaned by love,
which could never grow,
care which you could never
I am orphaned, yes I am....

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

ruins always remain, contain, within us....
a sense of regret, maybe refrain.....
I like ruins....
They remind me of the remembrance...
of good or bad.... then worse......
I recall, I feel...
the need to grow....expand,
but the ruins stay.....
always as a memory......
I adapt to the ruins
but do they adapt to me.....
They don't.... They never would.......
n yes, they never could.......

 I am belittled by them,
by pain n moments, seen, followed........
which haunt me....
I feel happily haunted by memories in the remnants of my ruins.......
This idea of ruins n remnants has always intrigued me....
I think of them as treasures.....
some bright, some dark.......
most darker than the rest.....
but I know they remain with me forever.....
I see me, around me.....
everytime I look into my eyes,
I see the last remnant of joy......
the joy which once was faith......
is now just a tear......
I see thru my heart thru these sparkling tears......
its full of pain.....
its contains the remnants of time, space,
a hollowness undefined.......

Friday, 29 June 2012

The day is gone, passed on to night,
The silence creeping in, through the shadows of darkness,
The feelin of fear, regret and sorrow,
Breathin through the night, tonight, every night............I long for a union with my soulmate,
The one who would relieve my pain,
Embracing me in the closed warmth of soil,
Of a peaceful end, tonight and forever........

Sunday, 18 March 2012

my fav poem....

this tree in the spring 
compliments the sleeping sun....
the rays cease the sparkle....
the dusk engulfing the entire hope 
of a continuous pleasure....
the tree stands bare, lonely, 
deprived of peace and merry.....
I feel for that tree, 
it stands on the only barren land 
across a fertile scape.....
its roots are strong and steady, 
it crys of thirst, helpless, 
sheds off its leaves as dreams 
shed by a newly wed woman.....
the same woman who fell prey 
to her man's lust and desire....
this cruel man, left her bare and barren...
the tree still stands like this woman, 
seeping in, deep within 
her instinct to perfect nature through her actions......
The tree, my tree waited all autumn 

n winter 
with the hope to recover from the pain of her lost leaves....
the spring felt promising....
the tree, hopeful....
was betrayed...
the tree stood, submitting to nature....
in its pursuit of a fresh beginning, 
it met denial....hatred and uncertainty......
Will this tree be able to live up another cruel winter...
with a false hope of a spring again......?? 

I stand with my tree, 
tears rolling down the edge of my eyes....
I want to take my tree in my intimate embrace, 
whispering my promise of a lifetime union........ 

The Pink Bucket

The Pink Bucket:

Way beyond the pink bucket,I see a dark hill..
I recall seeing this hill before, a few years back,
it was green, glittered when the rays fell over its scape.....
Now, today, this moment when I see it, 
it reminds me death- its dark,
has witnessed a lot of turmoil in the Valley,
the hill is the heart of the city, the Srinagar City,
its silent,stands to testify pain, bloodshed and sacrifice,
of hundreds of Kashmiris.
I thought to go closer to this hill,
surrounded by vast graveyards,
which contrast the normal silence of the graves.
Did these dead been buried here die naturally, 
maybe no, 
they lay there as a strong witness to their struggle,
it led them to a life of misery, a death-unknown and a grave- constricted by darkness and confusion.

I wonder how people react to this,
they sell colourful pink buckets,to colour their lives,
they act naive to every other death this hill sees,
they live a life of stillness, fallen prey to their monotony,
they have ceased to think, act or react,
they are the perfect examples to study the Reverse Darwinian Natural selection,
here, ones who want a change, perish, the others adapt, flow with the dark river
,lost and deprived of any direction and a true identity.

I aint against the pink buckets,
I just feel for the ones who shed their blood......for this land........

been long...........

love to be back to you my dear blogg.....